Greater Alarm Structure Fire 10/26/2022 INC#0278

Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0278; 07:15AM; 6261 N Laurel Canyon Bl;; North Hollywood; Heavy fire continues to burn through the roof of a one-story commercial building. Firefighters are flowing heavy streams through ladder pipes and large hand lines in defensive mode (from the exterior only). The building has sustained partial collapse. RS3 en route. PIO en route. No reported injuries.; FS 89; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 2; BC10 BC11 BC12 BC14 BC5 CM40 CM42 E102 E239 E260 E27 E278 E288 E289 E298 E39 E60 E77 E86 EA1 EM14 EM18 HE1 HR3 RA102 RA60 RA827 RA89 RI200 RS3 T39 T60 T78 T88 T89 T98 UR27 UR88; CH9; 17 18; Nicholas Prange
