Full River Rescue 03/28/2022 INC#0991

Full River Rescue; INC#0991; 03:11PM; 650 La River; https://bit.ly/3uzy6iO; Sepulveda Basin; LAFD Air Ops tracked the dog and made multiple rescue attempts. The dog was able to run downstream away from the rescuer and continued to fight. Ground resources redeployed down river as the helicopter tracked the dog for a more effective rescue opportunity. Unfortunately, during this time a bystander entered the water. He was able to grab the dog and they then were swept downstream. He was able to grab hold of a rope sent over the side from other bystanders / LAPD (exact source of the rope is unknown at this time). LAFD resources are now working to conduct another rescue of both the person and dog.; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; BC10 BC14 CM40 CM42 E100 E239 E260 E278 E288 E39 E88 EM10 H1 H3 HA1 HA3 HR3 RA83 RA839 RA860 RA90 SC1 SW44 SW88 T39 T60 T88 UR88; CH5; 17 18; Margaret Stewart
