FINAL UPDATE Hazardous Materials 03/18/2022 INC#0388

FINAL UPDATE Hazardous Materials; INC#0388; 11:54AM; 4541 W Electronics Pl;; Atwater Village; FINAL UPDATE: At 8:38AM the LAFD responded to a Hazardous Materials incident at the Huntsman Chemical facility at 4541 W Electronics Place. After a thorough investigation, the following was determined: The product “Reninfusion 8610” (a one-component epoxy system) was being processed for transport and a small valve broke which caused the release of a cloud. The leak was contained (there was a limited amount of product) and when LAFD Hazardous Materials Specialists made entry with gas meters, no reading of concern registered. Residents in areas affected by the dissipating cloud who experienced any medical distress are recommended to seek medical advice through their health care provider. The product’s corrosive hazards are with direct contact when it’s in a liquid state. No workers on scene exhibited any medical complaints. LAFD has no further information for this incident. LA County Health Hazardous Materials is handling the investigation with South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD). *NOTE* It was later learned the release was made by a pressure relief valve which operated as designed (not a broken valve) when the vessel overheated while the product was being processed. ; FS 50; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 13; Margaret Stewart
