Fatality Traffic Collision 06/26/2021 INC#0082

Fatality Traffic Collision; INC#0082; 01:23AM; 3901 S Buckingham Rd; https://bit.ly/3dd2es7; Baldwin Hills/Crenshaw; Solo SUV into one-story home with severed natural gas line, no fire. Five patients total = Elderly female from house dead at scene / Elderly male from house transported to hospital with non-life threating injury / Male SUV driver (sole vehicle occupant) transported to hospital with non-life threating injury / Two LAPD Officers (arrived before LAFD to affect the rescue of the 2 aforementioned physically trapped elderly residents), were evaluated at scene for minor injury and declined transport. So Cal Gas arrived to assist with completely securing natural gas leak. No other injury reported. Media Inquiries: LAPD Southwest Division Incident #362 and Coroner.; FS 94; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; BC18 E294 E34 E68 E94 EM11 HR3 RA26 RA46 RA68 T94; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
