Fatality Structure Fire - Now Out 10/18/2023 INC#0468

Fatality Structure Fire - Now Out; INC#0468; 08:08AM; 8766 N Matilija Av; https://bit.ly/45zlCrW; #PanoramaCity; 34 LAFD Firefighters responded quickly to find fire showing from a 1,535 square foot one-story home. During an aggressive and well-coordinated fire attack, firefighters discovered an adult female - described by residents as mobility impaired, lifeless in a rear bedroom. Beyond medical help, she was determined dead and remains at the scene. The fire was extinguished in just 21 minutes (8:29 AM), and confined within the residence. Three other residents, including one child, who were home at the time of the fire, are now being medically evaluated by LAFD Paramedics at scene for smoke exposure. The presence and functional status of smoke alarms at the time of the fire has yet to be determined. The home, built in 1949, was not equipped with (optional) residential fire sprinklers. The fire cause is under active investigation.; FS 7; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; AP7 BC12 E289 E290 E298 E37 E474 E98 EM10 RA75 RA77 RA87 RA989 SO1 T89 T90 T98; CH9; 17; Brian Humphrey
