Fatality Fire 06/27/2017

Fatality Fire; 08:47AM; 4822 S Crenshaw Bl; https://goo.gl/maps/umBvjtxPCP42; #HydePark; 30 FF's took 13 min to extinguish a detached converted garage that was well involved with fire; Upon extinguishment, they discovered one person deceased inside, and another person with non-life threat injury, who has been taken to an ; Fire Cause/Monetary Loss = Under Active Investigation; PIO En Route; NFD (No Further Details); FS 94; Batt 18; South Bureau; Council District 10; Dispatched LAFD Units: T66 E66 E266 RA266 T94 RA894 E294 E46 BC18 BC13 RA66 E443 MR2 RM2 AR1 AR37; CH: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
