Fatal Traffic Collision 06/15/2023 INC#1710

Fatal Traffic Collision; INC#1710; 11:43PM; SB Harbor Fwy x Slauson Ave Onramp; https://bit.ly/4458vhC; #VermontSlauson; PRELIM: Traffic collision with one vehicle overturned and fully ablaze on LAFD arrival. As many as four persons are believed deceased within the still smoldering wreckage. No further details. Media Inquiries: CHP Central L.A. (Log #3096) and Coroner.; FS 33; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; AR1 BC13 E15 E221 E266 E33 E46 E57 E66 EM13 HR3 RA257 RA33 RA46 T21 T66; CH7; 16; Brian Humphrey
