Fatal Traffic Collision 01/06/2019 INC#0396

Fatal Traffic Collision; INC#0396; 08:36AM; 10130 N San Fernando Rd; http://bit.ly/2GVNAbm; Pacoima; PRELIM: Two vehicle collision with one vehicle coming to rest upon and temporary fully closing Metrolink (Antelope Valley Line) tracks - No train involved in collision; The other vehicle reportedly (through fence?) onto Whiteman Airport property (?) with patient trapped; No impact on airfield operations; Two patients total (unk age/gender/affiliation/circumstances) with one person in the 'airfield' intrusion vehicle dead at scene and still trapped in the wreckage; The one person in other vehicle being evaluated by LAFD Paramedics and likely to be transported; Commuter Rail users follow @Metrolink on Twitter for service updates; Media: LAPD Valley Traffic Division Incident #1176 and Coroner; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC12 E275 E298 E7 E98 EM15 HR3 RA75 RA98 T75 T98 UR88; Radio Channels: 8; 17; - Brian Humphrey
