Fatal Injury 05/21/2021 INC#0747

Fatal Injury; INC#0747; 01:15PM; 7978 W Glenties Ln; https://bit.ly/3fw3mrm; Sunland; PRELIM: Person ( unknown age / gender / affiliation / circumstances ) has been extricated by first arriving firefighters from "beneath a water tank" (?), but was determined beyond medical help and is now deceased at scene. No other injuries reported. No further details. Media Inquiries: LAPD Foothill Division Incident #2355 and Coroner.; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 E24 E274 E75 E98 EM12 HR3 RA74 RA86 T74; CH8; 17; Brian Humphrey
