Explosion with Injury 03/07/2019 INC#0896

Explosion with Injury; INC#0896; 02:00PM; 1021 N Blinn Av; http://bit.ly/2TjJFL0; Wilmington; Residential triplex with apparent small explosion (no fire on arrival) within one unit, possibly related to illicit drug lab; Situation now static; No evacuation; One adult male in serious condition with 2nd/3rd degree burns to as much as 60% of his body; Fire cause under joint LAPD (Incident #3300/LAFD active investigation; FS 38; Batt 6; South; Council District 15; Dispatched LAFD Units: E49 E248 E48 T48 E36 RA36 E285 T85 RA85 BC6 BC13 E38 CM32 AR1; Radio Channels: 9; 13; - Brian Humphrey
