Earthquake 04/05/2018

Earthquake; 12:34PM; 200 N Main St; internal:/; The LAFD is now in Earthquake Mode. The USGS is reporting a 5.3 magnitude earthquake near the Channel Islands. During Earthquake Mode, firefighters from all 106 neighborhood fire stations provide a complete and strategic survey of over 470 sq miles in the greater Los Angeles area to ensure safety for all. Firefighters rapidly leave quarters and examine all major areas of concern: Transportation infrastructures (freeway over pass), Large places of assemblage (Dodger Stadium, Universities etc), Apartment buildings, dams and power-lines. Once this process is complete, all resources are re-housed and those firefighters immediately report back to Headquarters with any significant damage or injuries. If there is no significant damage, the LAFD Earthquake Mode is typically completed in less than one hour. We currently have no reports of damage or injuries in the City of Los Angeles.; FS 4; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Margaret Stewart
