Debris Flow 02/05/2024 INC#0696

Debris Flow; INC#0696; 08:31AM; 1919 N Beverly Dr; #BeverlyCrest; A debris flow has caused significant damage to approximately 5 homes. Thankfully, no one was trapped. Dept of Building and Safety has been notified to assess and red tag any seriously compromised structures. Firefighters assisted residents with evacuation. Approximately 10 people have been displaced.; FS 108; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 5; BC14 BC712 BC9 CM40 CM42 E108 E288 E289 E292 EM14 HR3 RA71 RA88 RA889 T88 T89 T92 UR88; CH8; 17; Nicholas Prange
