CONTAINED Brush Fire 11/02/2023 INC#0158

CONTAINED Brush Fire; INC#0158; 04:57AM; 291 S Av 52;; #HighlandPark; Firefighters found a slow-moving brush fire in steep terrain, with very light wind. Crews surrounded the burning vegetation with hose lines and fire breaks (created with hand tools) and contained the fire to approximately 1.5 acres. It took 52 firefighters 94 minutes to extinguish the flames. No injuries. No structures damaged. Cause under investigation.; FS 12; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 AO2 BC1 BC2 BP47 E1 E12 E16 E201 E212 E290 E44 E47 E55 EM1 H1 H3 H4 H7 HA1 HA3 HA4 HA7 SO1 T1 T12 T90; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
