Contained - Brush Fire 09/26/2022 INC#0791

Contained - Brush Fire; INC#0791; 02:21PM; 11770 W Foothill Bl;; #HansenDam; Despite an ambient temperature of 100.0 F during a NWS High Heat Warning, LAFD helicopters and ground crews, supported by two LACoFD Hand Crews, worked relentlessly for 82 minutes to stop forward progress of the fire, holding the blaze to two-and-one-half (2.50) acres of heavy brush within the Hansen Dam Recreation Area, east of the Aquatic Center. No injury. No structures. No evacuation. Ground crews will remain at scene this afternoon to complete containment, mop up hot spots and assure complete control. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 98; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC12 E24 E274 E275 E290 E75 E77 E8140 E89 E90 E91 E98 EM15 H1 H2 H3 H4 HA1 HA2 HA3 HA4 HT3 RA77 RA91 T74 T75 T90 WT77 + LACoFD Hand Crews; CH5; 17; Brian Humphrey
