Contained - Brush Fire 08/31/2022 INC#1649

Contained - Brush Fire; INC#1649; 09:07PM; 500 N Park Row Dr;; #ElysianPark; LAFD ground and air responders have stopped forward progress of the fire and achieved full containment at one-and-one-half (1.5) acres light-to-medium brush in steep terrain, in just 41 minutes. No injury. No structures. No evacuation. An LACoFD Handcrew and Supervisor responding in Automatic Aid will soon join LAFD personnel in the overhaul phase of the fire, to complete a bare soil perimeter as LAFD crews continue to soak smoldering vegetation. Fire cause under investigation.; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 AO2 BC1 BC2 BP44 BP47 E1 E20 E201 E203 E220 E3 E4 E56 E90 EM1 H1 H3 H6 HA1 HA3 HA6 RA1 T1 T20 T3 + LACoFD Crew and Supervisor; CH5; 13; Brian Humphrey
