CONTAINED Brush Fire 08/09/2024 INC#1054

Update CONTAINED Brush Fire; INC#1054; 03:57PM; 1327 N Broadway;; Elysian Park; CONTAINED: The first arriving response knocked down the hot flank and encircled the fire with hose lines, fully containing it. Firefighters have located lithium-ion battery(ies) (number unknown) off-gassing and are staying clear of the hazard while mopping up any remaining hot spots. LAFD HazMat is responding. LAFD Air Operations and additional ground units released.; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; AO1 AO2 BC1 BC2 E20 E201 E203 E209 E26 E290 E3 E44 E9 E90 EM1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 HA2 HA3 HA4 HA5 HA6 RA9 SQ21 T1 T3 T90; CH5; 13; Margaret Stewart
