CONTAINED - Brush Fire 08/09/2023 INC#1257

CONTAINED - Brush Fire; INC#1257; 06:40PM; Cahuenga Peak;; #HollywoodHills; A series of precise LAFD helicopter water drops have stopped forward progress of the fire at approximately one (1) acre of brush in remote, rugged terrain northwest of Mt. Lee. No injury. No structure threat or damage. LAFD ground crews will remain at scene tonight to complete extinguishment at the perimeter of the burn area to assure final extinguishment. The fire's cause is currently "under active investigation". Though a pair of male hikers were seen on trails near the fire, their specific actions and intent have yet to be determined. They are at this time best described as "persons of interest", rather than suspects.; FS 76; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; AO1 AO2 AR1 BC14 BC5 CE83 E227 E260 E27 E278 E290 E56 E60 E76 E8136 E8138 E82 E82C E86 E90 EA1 EM14 H0A H0E H1 H3 H7 HA1 HA3 HA7 RA86 T27 T60 T78 T90 + Burbank FD + LACoFD + Park Rangers; CH7; 14; Brian Humphrey
