CONTAINED Brush Fire 07/23/2024 INC#1688

CONTAINED Brush Fire; INC#1688; 10:00PM; 15700 W Burbank Bl;; #SepulvedaBasin; Firefighters made a quick direct attack on the vegetation fire, and snuffed it out at approximately one acre (updated estimate after the flames were out). It took 24 firefighters approximately 25 minutes to extinguish the flames. No reported injuries. Cause under investigation.; FS 88; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC14 E100 E239 E288 E290 E39 E7 E81 E83 E90 EM14 H0B H0F H3 H4 H5 HA3 HA4 HA5 RA39 T39 T88 T90 WT88; CH8; 18; Nicholas Prange
