Contained - Brush Fire 07/11/2023 INC#1066

Contained - Brush Fire; INC#1066; 04:15PM; SB 5 Fwy transition to SB 110 Parkway;; #ElysianPark; LAFD ground and air responders, with the assistance of City Park Rangers and a helicopter from the Los Angeles County Fire Department responding in Automatic Aid, have fully extinguished the vehicle fire, and confined fire to approximately one (1) acre of heavy brush. No injury. No structure damage. No evacuation. LAFD crews will remain in the vicinity handling full extinguishment and mop up until 7:30 PM, and will work with CHP and Caltrans to reopen southbound lanes of the 110 Parkway south of the Golden State (I-5) Freeway as soon as possible. The cause of the vehicle fire has yet to be determined.; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 BC2 CM20 CM22 CW3A E1 E12 E16 E20 E201 E202 E203 E212 E220 E250 E290 E3 E4 E44 E56 E90 EM1 H2 H4 H7 HA2 HA4 HA7 HT3 HU59 RA1 RI200 T1 T2 T20 T3 T50 T90 WT88; CH5; 12; Brian Humphrey
