Complete - Rescue 07/12/2023 INC#0709

Complete - Rescue; INC#0709; 11:45AM; 1630 N Main St;; #Chinatown; An adult male worker at an electric utility yard reportedly fell ten feet from a crane platform ladder to a catwalk below (that is approximately 50' above ground). LAFD Paramedics climbed to his location, to find the man conscious and alert, in good condition without obvious injury. In accordance with workplace safety protocol, he has been placed in a harness and assisted walking across the catwalk to utilize a freight elevator in descending to ground level and further on-site medical evaluation. No other injuries reported. Media Inquiries: LADWP; FS 1; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 1; BC1 BC11 BC2 CM20 CM22 E1 E201 E205 E227 E27 E3 E44 E5 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA1 RA20 RA27 RA827 T1 T27 T5 UR5 UR88; CH7; 12; Brian Humphrey
