Complete - Hazardous Materials Investigation 10/14/2022 INC#0468

Complete - Hazardous Materials Investigation; INC#0468; 10:45AM; 6255 W Sunset Bl;; #Hollywood; LAFD personnel, including a Hazardous Materials experts, determined that an unspecified quantity of oil-based refrigerant had leaked on the 14th floor of the 21 story office building, leading to the calm and orderly evacuation of all (undetermined number) building occupants, none of whom reported injury or illness. The scene has been stabilized, and there is no off-site or escalating hazard. Building occupants will be allowed to reoccupy the majority of the structure, and County Health officials have been notified to coordinate clean-up of the immediately involved area.; FS 27; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC5 E21 E221 E227 E261 E29 E82 EM11 JT1 RA82 RA827 SQ21 T21 T27 T61; CH7; 13 15; Brian Humphrey
