Complete - Hazardous Materials Investigation 08/29/2024 INC#0458

Complete - Hazardous Materials Investigation; INC#0458; 11:00AM; 5400 W Century Bl;; #Westchester; LAFD responders, including hazardous materials experts, have concluded their investigation. The substance was categorized as an unspecified chemical irritant, with no escalating on-site hazard. No other ill persons were identified. Los Angeles County Health HazMat officials will work with hotel staff to assure the guest room is returned to a safe and tenable state.; FS 95; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC13 BC4 CM20 CM22 E21 E221 E263 E292 E294 E295 E64 E66 E94 E95 EM11 ER3 HD94 JT1 RA5 RA867 RA94 SQ21 T21 T63 T92 T94 T95; CH7; 14; Brian Humphrey
