Complete - Hazardous Materials Investigation 03/04/2022 INC#1266

Complete - Hazardous Materials Investigation; INC#1266; 09:23PM; 2050 W John S Gibson Bl;; #Wilmington; 40 Firefighters, including LAFD hazardous materials experts have skillfully stabilized the scene by gaining access to the cargo container and isolating / cooling the burning products densely stored within, including Synthetic Resin with Ethylene Polymers, as well as large Lithium Ion Batteries. No injuries have been reported. Control of the scene will soon be transferred to shipping and Port officials, who will coordinate cleanup; FS 36; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT17 BT4 E248 E285 E36 E38 E48 EM13 JT1 JT3 RA112 RA36 RA848 SH12 SQ48 T48 T85 UA6; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
