Complete Hazardous Materials 10/19/2022 INC#0699

Complete Hazardous Materials; INC#0699; 12:43PM; 12746 W Jefferson Bl;; Playa Vista; LAFD personnel, including hazardous materials experts, determined the cause of the "light haze" to be associated with a store freezer compressor. There is no further hazardous material release within the one-story CVS commercial store and the building has been fully ventilated. One person was medically evaluated for an exposure but denied transportation to a local hospital. The building will remain closed for business until the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health assesses the building. ; FS 67; Batt 4; West Bureau; Council District 11; BC4 E287 E294 E295 E67 E94 E95 EM11 HM94 JT6 RA5 RA867 RA894 RA95 SQ21 SQ87 T87 T94 T95; CH7; 14; Amy Bastman
