COMPLETE - Cliff Rescue 04/02/2023 INC#1239

COMPLETE - Cliff Rescue; INC#1239; 08:34PM; 2201 W Warmouth St;; #SanPedro; Ground-based LAFD firefighters, including those specially trained and equipped for Urban Search and Rescue, were able to safely utilize a harness and rope system to safely access and lower the stranded though uninjured 52 year-old male - and his (unknown age/breed) pet dog, from the steep cliff behind his home, to the beach 30+ feet below. They will be assisted to walking to the cliff top and their home via a nearby trail.; FS 101; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT1 BT2 BT5 E101 E248 E285 E48 E85 EM13 H4 H5 HA4 HA5 RA36 RA85 RH114 T48 T85 UR85 UR88 + LACoFD Baywatch Lifeguards; CH7; 13; Brian Humphrey
