Cliff, Vehicle 04/13/2022 INC#0315

Cliff, Vehicle; INC#0315; 07:20AM; 2800 W Observatory Dr;; Griffith Park; Firefighters are with the 68 yo (age update) female patient. There is no entrapment. The extent of her injuries is not known at this time. LAFD Air Ops is enroute to conduct a hoist operation. LAPD Inc# 0792 No further details.; FS 35; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC5 E20 E220 E227 E235 E27 E35 E52 E56 EM5 H2 H3 HA2 HA3 HR3 RA27 RA35 RA56 RA6 RA835 RH114 T20 T27 T35 UR27 UR88; CH7; 14; Margaret Stewart
