Cliff, Vehicle 02/04/2023 INC#1220

Cliff, Vehicle; INC#1220; 04:59PM; 8543 Mulholland Dr;; Beverly Crest; A passenger vehicle is down approximately 100' a relatively steep embankment. Firefighters have visual contact of one patient, outside the vehicle. It is unknown if there are any other patients at this time. Crews are making their way down to the vehicle.; FS 97; Batt 14; Valley Bureau; Council District 4; AO2 BC14 BC5 E278 E288 E289 E97 EM14 H2 H4 HA2 HA4 HR3 RA88 RA89 RA97 RH114 T78 T88 T89 UR88 UR89; CH8; 17; Margaret Stewart
