Cliff Rescue, San Pedro 03/10/2022 INC#0737

Cliff Rescue, San Pedro; INC#0737; 12:10PM; 1 Point Fermin;; San Pedro; Firefighters have made contact with a female (age and condition are unknown at this time) patient approximately 20-30 feet down the cliff. Resources are preparing for a possible hoist operation once the decision has been made for the best rescue method. ; FS 48; Batt 6; South Bureau; Council District 15; BC6 BT1 BT17 BT4 BT5 E101 E205 E248 E285 E48 E85 EM6 H1 H5 HA1 HA5 RA101 RA85 RH114 T48 T5 T85 UR88; CH7; 13 14; Margaret Stewart
