Brush Fire - Assisting Agency 08/07/2022 INC#1134

Brush Fire - Assisting Agency; INC#1134; 03:34PM; Vogel Flat Rd;; Tujunga; LAFD is on scene as an assisting agency to Angeles National Forest with (from ANF size up) Approximately 1/2 acre in medium to heavy brush. LAFD ground companies are currently assigned to structural triage in the Vogel Flats area. We do not have evacuation information and all public/media queries are directed to ANF as the incident command. For their updates, follow on Twitter @angeles_NF and @firechiefanf No further details.; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; AO1 AO2 BC12 BC14 BP74 CM40 CM42 E24 E274 E289 E298 E7 E77 E81 E89 E91 EM14 H6 HA6 RA74 RA90 T74 T89 T98 WT77; CH5; 17; Margaret Stewart
