Brush Fire 12/16/2020 INC#0744

Brush Fire; INC#0744; 12:10PM; Nb 405 Fy;; Bel-Air; What initially started as two small grass fires along the Getty off ramp of the 405FY is threatening to move into heavy brush on the west side of 405FY. CHP / DOT are closing NB Sepulveda at Getty and the SB 405 Getty off ramp. Additional resources requested (not yet reflected in alert); FS 19; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 5; BC10 BC9 CW3A E108 E109 E19 E237 E278 E290 E37 E83 E99 EM10 H1 H2 H3 HA1 HA2 HA3 RA100 T37 T78 T90 WT88; CH5; 13; Margaret Stewart
