Brush Fire 11/01/2023 INC#1018

Brush Fire; INC#1018; 01:22PM; 8635 W Metz Pl;; #HollywoodHillsWest; LAFD (City) and LA County FD are responding to an approximately one-half-acre vegetation fire, with nearby structures threatened. Firefighters have positioned themselves for structure protection with hose lines, while other crews work to anchor, flank, and pinch (systematically surround the fire and stop forward progress).; FS 41; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; BC14 BC5 CM40 CM42 E261 E27 E290 E292 E41 E58 E61 E71 E97 EM9 H1 H4 H7 HA1 HA4 HA7 T61 T90; CH5; 12; Nicholas Prange
