Brush Fire 09/10/2024 INC#0906

Brush Fire; INC#0906; 12:31PM; 16900 W Victory Bl;; #SepulvedaBasin; PRELIM: Firefighters are on scene near Victory Blvd & Balboa Blvd battling approximately 2 acres of grass and brush in the Sepulveda Basin, with approx 7 mph winds.; FS 100; Batt 10; Valley Bureau; Council District 6; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC17 CW3A E100 E109 E239 E273 E290 E293 E39 E73 E83 E87 EM10 H2 H5 H7 HA2 HA5 HA7 RA87 RA881 T39 T73 T90 T93 WT88; CH5; 18; Nicholas Prange
