Brush Fire 07/21/2024 INC#1086

Brush Fire; INC#1086; 04:24PM; 9 Saddlebow Rd;; #BellCanyon; LAFD air and ground resources are on scene in Bell Canyon as an assisting agency to Ventura County Fire Department. Approximately four acres of medium brush is burning slowly, exposing one home. Companies on scene will be protecting structures in the area and coordinating resources to contain the spread. No injuries reported or cause determined at this time. Media is respectfully referred to VCFD as Incident Command for further inquiries.; FS 106; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District outside city; AO1 AO2 BC10 BC15 BC17 CE84 CM40 CM42 E104 E105 E106 E107 E273 E296 E305 E472 E72 E73 E90 EM17 H1 H3 H4 H5 HA1 HA3 HA4 HA5 RA106 T105 T73 T96; CH5; 17; Lyndsey Lantz
