Brush Fire 06/21/2020 INC#0057

Brush Fire; INC#0057; 01:09AM; 12301 N Mt Gleason Av;; Tujunga; LAFD found fire consuming 1/2-acre of brush and skillfully used the anchor/flank/pinch technique to knock down the flames and contain the fire in just 25 minutes (1:34 AM). Crews remain on scene to "mop up" the hot spots and improve the perimeter. No reported injuries. The cause of the fire remains unknown; FS 74; Batt 12; Valley Bureau; Council District 7; BC12 BC14 E24 E274 E289 E290 E298 E77 E89 E90 E91 E98 EM14 H1 H4 H6 HA1 HA4 HA6 RA74 T74 T89 T90 T98 WT77; CH8; 12; -Nicholas Prange
