Automatic Alarm - Medical Evacuation 08/22/2023 INC#1955

Automatic Alarm - Medical Evacuation; INC#1955; 11:45PM; 1720 E Chavez Av;; Boyle Heights; Power outage at White Memorial hospital requiring evacuation of patients on ventilators (assisted breathing). Exact number of patients needed evacuation is being determined. LAFD will assist in both caring for patients and transporting them to designated hospitals. Any questions regarding the power outage and their standard operation in such scenario are referred to White Memorial.; FS 2; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC1 BC11 CM20 CM22 E2 E201 E202 E4 EM1 EM11 EM13 RA1 RA2 RA25 RA4 RA801 RA803 RA809 RA810 RA9 RA900 T1 T2 T9; CH7; 12; Margaret Stewart
