Agency Assist 05/30/2019 INC#1443

Agency Assist; INC#1443; 07:39PM; 1033 E Adams Bl;; Historic South-Central; PRELIM: LAFD assisting LAPD with a single patient behavioral emergency, an uninjured adult male who has climbed an unknown height power pole; LADWP summoned; No off-site hazards identified; #LATraffic: Central Avenue will be fully closed between Adams Blvd and 24th Street until LAPD operations complete; Unknown duration; Motorists: expect local congestion and delay, avoid area and consider alternate route; Detours readily available, monitor traffic reports on news radio; Bus Riders: Follow @MetroLAAlerts on Twitter for any service disruption; Media Inquiries: LAPD Newton Division Incident #5539; FS 14; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 9; Radio Channels: 7; 13; - Brian Humphrey
