Agency Assist 04/20/2020 INC#0577

Agency Assist; INC#0577; 12:05PM; 650 S Spring St;; Downtown - #DTLA; LAFD assisting LAPD with their management of a single patient behavioral emergency: one person near a 2nd floor window/balcony of a 10 story building. Street Closure: 7th Street will be closed in both directions between Spring Street and Main Street until the incident is complete. Though no off-site hazard has been identified, please avoid the area. Motorists may encounter congestion and delay, and should consider an alternate route. Detours are readily available. Bus Riders should follow @MetroLAAlerts on Twitter to identify any service delay(s); Media: LAPD Incident #2304; FS 9; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Dispatched LAFD Units: AD15 BC1 E10 E209 E210 E9 EM1 RA10 RA209 RA809 RA810 T10 T9; Radio Channels: 7; 12; - Brian Humphrey
