Agency Assist 01/26/2024 INC#1711

Agency Assist; INC#1711; 09:34PM; 2830 E Lancaster Av; #BoyleHeights; LAFD assisting law enforcement at an apparent single-patient behavioral emergency. One person is perched precariously on a pedestrian bridge over the 10 Freeway. Firefighters have deployed the rescue air cushion below. The patient's intent is unclear. No escalating or off-site hazard known. #LATraffic: The 10 Freeway has been closed to all traffic from (at least) Marengo/Soto St to Eastern Ave/Campus Rd until LAFD operations are complete, unknown duration. Motorists, expect congestion and delay, avoid the area and consider an alternate route. CHP Log #2807, LAPD Incident # 4951.; FS 16; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC2 E1 E16 E2 E201 E202 EM1 RA2 T1 T2; CH7; 12; Nicholas Prange
