Fire Chief

Interim Fire Chief Ronnie Villanueva
Ronnie Villanueva

Interim Fire Chief Ronnie Villanueva’s ability to lead, inspire, and build collaboration throughout EOPS. For nearly 41 years, Chief Villanueva has served the LAFD and earned the ranks of Firefighter, Engineer, Captain I, Captain II, Battalion Chief, Assistant Chief, and Deputy Chief.  Chief Villanueva has also worked in various field assignments throughout the city, from South Los Angeles to the East Valley. 

Aside from his professional accomplishments, Chief Villanueva has long believed in formal education and vocational training.  He completed his Executive Master’s Degree in Leadership from the University of Southern California in 2022.  He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Occupational Studies from California State University at Long Beach and is a graduate of the LAFD Leadership Academy.  Additionally, he has completed training at the Southern California Sea-based Defense Support of Civil Authorities, Enhanced Incident Management, and Unified Command Courses at the Texas A&M Extension School (TEEX).  His extensive education and professional experience allow Chief Villanueva to sit as a Principal on the National Fire Protection Association technical committee on Firefighter Safety and Health, which has been used to enhance firefighter safety not only in the LAFD, but within the fire service.


The Los Angeles Fire Department operates a number of bureaus that report directly to the Fire Chief. The Chief (formerly called "the Chief Engineer") is the senior administrative and policy manager for the department. Each of the key bureaus is listed below:

The Fire Chief has the power and duty to:
  • Appoint, discharge, suspend, transfer, or issue instructions to members (civilian and uniformed) of the Department (other than the Secretary of the Board of Fire Commissioners and the Chief Accounting Employee of the Department) in the line of their duties, subject to the civil service provisions of the charter.
  • Expend the funds of the Fire Department in accordance with the provisions of the budget appropriations or of appropriations made subsequent to the budget.
  • Recommend to the Board an Annual Departmental Budget covering the anticipated revenues and expenditures of the Department.
  • Certify expenditures of the Department to the Chief Accounting Employee.
  • File with the Board at least once a month a written report on the activities of the Department.
  • Exercise such further powers in the administration of the Fire Department as may be conferred upon the Fire Chief by the Board.

