Cadet Mission Statement: Preparing young men and women to make ethical and moral choices by instilling in them the Core Values of the Los Angeles City Fire Department and teaching them the necessary Life Skills to succeed.

Current Events:

Welcome Cadets to the new LAFD Cadet website! The site was developed to push out information and keep you up to date with current and upcoming events. To the left of this section, you will see four tabs. Under the Training tab you will find videos and documents that will help you progress through the Cadet task book and achieve Cadet level I through IV. Below the Training tab you will find the most recent version of the Cadet manual and Cadet task book. The final tab contains the program benefits available to Cadets and the requirements to obtain the sponsorships or scholarships. Below, you will find two more sections, Upcoming Events and Where Are They Now? In Upcoming Events, you will find dates for events like: California Fire Exploring Academy, Wildland Fire Exploring Academy, Paramedic Sponsorship Interviews, Firefighter I Academy Scholarship Interviews, EMT Scholarship information, LACo Emergency Exercise @Del Valle, and others. Where Are They Now? will host a profile of a past Cadet that benefited from the program. Please note the following dates: Paramedic Sponsorship Interviews October 19 through October 23 Cadet Apprenticeship Interviews November 9 through November 13 EMT Scholarship program. 


Upcoming Events

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has slowed the progress of the LAFD youth programs, but the Firefighter Recruitment Section continues to improve the Cadet program and benefits. At the start of the pandemic, Fire Chief Terrazas instituted a policy restricting visitors in the fires stations, which includes Cadets. As of now, there is no date set for Cadet Post activities to resume. But in the meantime, the Firefighter Recruitment Section continues to push forward with offering benefits as they become available.


cadet muster     Please note the following dates:

     • Paramedic Sponsorship Interviews October 19 through October 23

     • Cadet Apprenticeship Interviews November 9 through November 13

     • EMT Scholarship program


featured member
 Where are they now? Captain I Bryan Willis Post 100 from 2000 to 2004 “The explorer program was instrumental in developing me as a young man, and preparing me for a challenging and rewarding career.  Some of the greatest takeaways from my time as an explorer are: learning the tools and equipment, operations, organization, and (the) daily routine.  (I accomplished) All of this, prior to employment.  Coming into the Fire Department that I was an explorer in, at 20 years old, gave me an advantage and helped to lower my anxiety level as a young rookie. I had the opportunity to meet many members of all ranks, who are still mentors to me today.  Bryan is a Captain I for the LAFD at Fire Station 20 in Echo Park. Bryan also held the ranks of firefighter and Apparatus Operator. He has been employed by the LAFD for 20 years.


Firefighter Recruitment Section  1700 Stadium Way, Room #105  Los Angeles, CA 90012  (213) 893-9899
