Wires Down 02/04/2020 INC#0827

Wires Down; INC#0827; 12:57PM; 7034 N Winnetka Av; http://bit.ly/2v0pyX9; Winnetka; PRELIM: High voltage electric lines down on the east side of Winnetka Avenue between Sherman Way and Vanowen Street (bulk of downed wires between Sherman Way and Gault Street), causing a handful of small grass and vegetation fires. Residents are asked to widely avoid any downed wires, and to treat them as energized and deadly. Motorists: expect congestion and delay, avoid area and consider alternate route until LAFD and LADWP (en route, unknown ETA) operations are complete. Detours readily available, monitor traffic reports on news radio; Transit Users Follow @MetroLAAlerts on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroLAAlerts for information. Though there have been strong winds in the area, the LAFD does not formally determine the cause of downed wires; FS 72; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC10 BC17 E104 E273 E305 E73 E84 E93 RA104 RA73 T105 T73; Radio Channels: 9; 12; - Brian Humphrey
