Update Structure Fire 12/28/2018 INC#0424

Update Structure Fire; INC#0424; 09:27AM; 6641 W Sunset Bl; http://bit.ly/2RmG90F; Hollywood; KNOCKDOWN: 58FF in 33 mins;Contents fire located in 2nd floor classroom and firefighters opened involved wall to fully extinguish and ensure no extension to the attic;Since this is a facility in a church complex, the House of Worship Task Force will be notified and LAFD Arson will respond to investigate per protocol;No injuries reported;Resources will remain on scene for as of yet undetermined time period, traffic will be impact and recommend avoiding the area;No Further Details; FS 27; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 13; BC14 BC18 BC5 CM42 E220 E227 E229 E261 E27 E41 E61 E76 E82 EM14 RA27 RA827 T20 T27 T29 T61; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
