Update Structure Fire 12/28/2018 INC#0280

Update Structure Fire; INC#0280; 07:08AM; 459 S Hewitt St; http://bit.ly/2EPIieK; Downtown; Fire in the attic as crews work to battle blaze and defend adjacent, exposed building;This is a Greater Alarm status;DBA 'Urth Cafe';No injuries reported; FS 4; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 14; BC10 BC14 BC2 BC4 CM22 E1 E20 E201 E202 E209 E235 E27 E289 E4 E9 EM11 EM13 RA4 RA804 T1 T2 T35 T89 UR89; CH7; 14 15; Margaret Stewart
