Update Structure Fire 11/21/2018 INC#0403

Update Structure Fire; INC#0403; 09:11AM; 7730 N Aura Av; http://bit.ly/2DQZ9xU; Reseda; KNOCKDOWN:46FF in 18mins; Firefighters defended residential building exposed on south side of the fire from sustaining significant damage; Primary search complete with no victims located inside the fire unit;Total of three patients evaluated; 35M and 47M transported with burn injuries (conditions unk), 55F evaluated and declined LAFD transport;LAFD Arson enroute for the investigation;No Further Details; FS 73; Batt 17; Valley Bureau; Council District 3; BC15 BC17 CM42 E104 E273 E293 E296 E72 E73 E93 EM10 RA100 RA93 T73 T93 T96; CH9; 17; Margaret Stewart
