Update Rescue 04/02/2018

Update Rescue; 06:21PM; 5254 W Zoo Dr; internal:/; Hollywood; A tremendous team effort over the past 12 hours resulted in the best outcome, Jesse Hernandez was found alive this morning. Yesterday at approximately 4:30PM, the LAFD received reports that Jesse fell approximately 25 feet into a sewer pipe. The pipes are 4 foot in diameter filled with liquid at varying depth (2 feet and deeper) moving at 15 MPH. This network of pipes parallel the LA River and cross under freeways. A team consisting of LAFD, LAPD, CHP, DWP, City Recreation and Parks, Park Rangers and experts from the Bureaus of Sanitation, Engineering and Contract Administration worked together to analyze the pipe system, covering approximately 6,400 feet, and search all likely catch areas. 3rd party vendor cameras, regularly used to inspect pipes for repair, were used in addition to the early use of cameras by LAFD Urban Search and Rescue. The vendor cameras are able to both float at the top of the pipe and crawl along the bottom. The number of pipes providing different travel paths required a systematic approach to ensure each was searched. The expertise of the Bureau of Sanitation was instrumental in this search. Approximately 2,400 feet of pipe had been thoroughly inspected and the search was continuing when a maintenance hatch west of the WB134 under the 5 FY was opened to insert cameras. This was were Jesse was found alert and talking. Jesse was given a cell phone so he could immediately call family. Firefighter/Paramedics provided immediate medical care, decontamination and transport to a local hospital for a complete medical evaluation. The Mayor's Crisis Response Team was also at the command post throughout the night providing welcomed support to the family. We would like to thank the entire Hernandez family for their patience and optimism. From start to finish, this was an unprecedented team effort and the LAFD would like to recognize the excellent teamwork among all agencies involved.; FS 56; Batt 5; West Bureau; Council District 4; Margaret Stewart
