Update Brush Fire Knockdown 06/09/2020 INC#1275

Update Knockdown Brush Fire; INC#1275; 06:48PM; 2501 N Onyx Dr; https://bit.ly/2XS7VVv; Lincoln Heights; LAFD ground and air response (95 personnel) assisted by LACoFD hand crews took less than 1 hour to extinguish all active flame, holding the fire to three (3) acres of light to medium brush. No injury. Though homes were threatened, the well-coordinated air and ground assault prevented any from sustaining damage. There were no evacuations. The fire cause is under investigation; FS 47; Batt 2; Central Bureau; Council District 14; Dispatched LAFD Units: BC1 BC11 BC2 BP47 CM22 E1 E10 E12 E16 E20 E201 E209 E212 E4 E42 E44 E47 E55 E9 E90 EM1 H1 H3 H6 HA1 HA3 HA6 RA47 T1 T12 & LACoFD; - Brian Humphrey
