Structure Fire 08/24/2018 INC#0088

Structure Fire; INC#0088; 01:36AM; 2141 S Sepulveda Bl;; Sawtelle; 50' x 50' commercial building (auto body shop) with fire showing. 115 firefighters currently assigned to the Major Emergency incident. Firefighter's making good progress with no injuries reported.; FS 59; Batt 9; West Bureau; Council District 5; AR2 BC10 BC11 BC4 BC5 BC9 CM42 E19 E205 E237 E261 E263 E269 E292 E295 E37 E43 E5 E58 E59 E61 E62 E63 E71 EA1 EM9 HR3 RA37 RA5 RA59 RA892 T37 T5 T61 T63 T69 T92 T95 UR5 UR88; CH9; 12 18; Margaret Stewart
