KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire 04/03/2024 INC#1034

KNOCKDOWN Structure Fire; INC#1034; 03:36PM; 4182 S Western Av;; #VermontSquare; Firefighters responded to a two-story *commercial building* with fire showing from the rear. Firefighters made access through the alley in the back to find one vehicle engulfed in flames in the first-floor carport (tucked beneath the second floor) and fire spreading up into the building. Firefighters deployed hose lines to attack the flames. Ultimately, it took 48 firefighters 23 minutes to access, confine, and fully extinguish the flames. No occupants were found on scene. Firefighters and Paramedics responded to a medical call for service at or near USC and found one adult male patient with burn injuries that had attempted to drive himself to the hospital after injuries from the Western Avenue structure fire (Medical Response - LAFD Inc# 1071). LAFD transported the man to the hospital. LAFD Fire Investigators are actively investigating the cause of the fire. No firefighter injuries.; FS 46; Batt 13; South Bureau; Council District 8; BC1 BC11 BC13 E15 E203 E215 E226 E233 E266 E27 E295 E46 E66 EM1 EM11 HR3 RA15 RA46 RA815 SQ21 SQ95 T15 T26 T3 T33 T66 T95 UR3 UR88; CH7; 12 13; Nicholas Prange
