Knockdown Greater Alarm Structure Fire 11/21/2018 INC#0132

Knockdown Greater Alarm Structure Fire; INC#0132; 04:22AM; 1446 S Toberman St; internal:/; PicoUnion; 78 firefighters took 59 minutes to confine flames to the upper floor and attic of a two-story 3,878 square foot six-unit apartment building (built 1906); No injury; Significant damage, including structural compromise will require Dept of Building & Safety inspection; Fire cause/loss/resident displacement to be determined; FS 10; Batt 1; Central Bureau; Council District 1; Dispatched LAFD Units: AR1 BC1 BC11 BC18 CM22 E1 E10 E11 E13 E15 E201 E210 E211 E215 E3 EA1 EM11 RA11 RA13 RA803 RA811 SQ21 T1 T10 T11 T15 UR3; - Brian Humphrey
